Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Science Challenge

For my science activity I have the following planned:

A 2nd grade activity that discusses the importance of a balanced diet and they will then create a balanced diet on kidspiration.

A more detailed version of the activity: The intro to our Health Unit will include an open large-group discussion of the importance of a balanced diet. I will ask what the students understand of a balanced diet, what types of food make up a balanced, etc. We will discuss the seven food groups. I will then ask the students to pull up their Kidspiration program where I will direct them to click on the science section. After clicking on science, I will have them scroll down to the Balanced Diet activity. Before they begin, I will explain that this activity is to see if they know what foods go under certain balanced diet categories. I will show them an example on my own computer which is hooked up to a screen for everyone to see. I will drag the wheat bread over into the grains section and show that this type of food satisfies the grains need. They will then finish by putting 10 different foods into food categories.

Content: 2nd grade Science: Standard 1: Students will develop a sense of self.
Objective 1
: Describe and adopt behaviors for health and safety.
A. Explain the importance of balance in a diet.

Pedagogy: Inferring, Classifying, Organizing, Analyzing Data

Technology: Kidspiration

The representation of this content is considered interactive because the students are using the technology and creating their own balanced diet. ( I will look more at this, I apologize for lateness, I got held up at work and got home right around midnight)

1 comment:

  1. I would like you to describe your activity in more detail - describe how you will use Kidsperation. Describe what the teacher will do and what the students will do.
    Also I think you might want to read up on representations again:
